OligoPAD allows to design and check secondary oligonucleotide structures and interactions.
OligoPAD Download
1 file(s) 16.99 MB
- File based: Save and organize your assays and oligonucleotides
- DNA and RNA sequences supported
- Multi document interface: Keep the overview over assays and combine them easily
- Temperature range 30° – 99°C
- Automatic calculation of Gibbs free energy
- Display single sequences or complexes of two sequences
- Export complexes as PNG images
Intuitive to use
- Design and modify oligonucleotides by simple “point & click” operations
- Combine oligonucleotides and check interactions with “drag & drop”
- On-the-fly editing
- Analyze and optimize secondary oligonucleotide structures
- Check interactions of primer, probes and target sequences for assay design
- miRNA structure prediction
- Structural analysis of aptamers
Operating system:
Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 10
Installation requirements:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or higher
We provide a 30 days full-featured test license. Please contact us via info@gnwi.de.
We provide single user licenses as well as group or company licenses with a 1 year update support after activation. The software will still be usable after update expiration.
Prices will be online soon. If you are already interested in purchasing a license, please contact us via info@gnwi.de
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